
Monthly Newsletter | May 2021

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the       exciting events that occurred during the month of May at our churches in the Philippines.   The month of May was another good month for us. We had over 100 salvations every week for a total of   3,931 salvations year to date. This puts on pace to have our best year of soulwinning that we’ve ever had in the Philippines! God really blessed us with holding off the rain in May and the times it did rain, it did not interfere with our soulwinning.     Probably the biggest event in our ministry in May was our move into a new church building in Pampanga. We had been renting on a weekly basis from a facility but were not locked in to a long term lease. We     wanted to wait until we moved to Pampanga and settled in a location before finding a semi-permanent    building for church services. Running a church definitely takes a lot of time, effort and causes a lot of stress. Trying to

Monthly Newsletter | April 2021

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the   exciting events that occurred during the month of April at our churches in the Philippines.   The month of April was a really strong month for us and we were able to just push past 3,000 salvations year to date between our ministries. Once we move past April, the weather becomes very difficult with the heat and potential rains. As a result, we wanted to make a big push in April for soulwinning before we move in to the more difficult months.   We also talked to other churches here in the Philippines and we decided we wanted to bring back the      Soulwinning Mega Marathon as part of the New IFB that we had participated in during Easter weekend of 2019. We did make a few changes that we thought would help us maximize results in our area. In the Philippines, Easter weekend is basically a holiday for several straight days. So we decided to count results from Wednesday - Sunday dur

Monthly Newsletter | 2021 March

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the       exciting events that occurred during the month of March at our churches in the Philippines. In the month of March, we were able to get 587 salvations between our churches in Manila and Pampanga to bring our grand total to 2,080 salvations year to date. March started off very successfully but we did run in to some unexpected obstacles. The number of COVID cases that the Government in the Philippines is counting ending up skyrocketing which resulted in increased Quarantines and Lockdown measures. The last full week of March, we had 95 salvations between our ministries. That broke our streak of getting at least 100          salvations each week. We are pleased with our overall results given that parks were shut down and strict measures were enforced but we are hoping that things will open up again soon so we can not only get many salvations but also that entire families can be in ch

Monthly Newsletter | 2021 February

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the   exciting events that occurred during the month of February at our churches in the Philippines. In the month of February, we were able to get 885 salvations between our churches in Manila and Pampanga to bring our grand total to 1,500 salvations year to date. January was the greatest month we had ever had for salvations but then we broke all of those totals in February. Our results were very successful this month due to several different factors. February has official Holidays on February 12 th and February  25 th . We hosted 4 all day soulwinning marathons on February 12th, 2 all day soulwinning marathons on  February 25th and also had a soulwinning marathon on February 20th in Pampanga. In addition to that, each Saturday we have all day soulwinning at a nearby park to our church building which yields very positive results. We broke our record for weekly salvations with 288 and also a