Monthly Newsletter | May 2021

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the      exciting events that occurred during the month of May at our churches in the Philippines.


The month of May was another good month for us. We had over 100 salvations every week for a total of  3,931 salvations year to date. This puts on pace to have our best year of soulwinning that we’ve ever had in the Philippines! God really blessed us with holding off the rain in May and the times it did rain, it did not interfere with our soulwinning. 


Probably the biggest event in our ministry in May was our move into a new church building in Pampanga. We had been renting on a weekly basis from a facility but were not locked in to a long term lease. We    wanted to wait until we moved to Pampanga and settled in a location before finding a semi-permanent   building for church services. Running a church definitely takes a lot of time, effort and causes a lot of stress. Trying to handle any necessary maintenance and the day to day or weekly tasks such as cleaning the     building and fixing small problems we figured would be too big of an effort.


There are obviously many advantages to having your own church building and this will enable us to add a midweek service and be in a more centralized and receptive location for our soulwinning. This will now give us 6 services and 5 official soulwinning times between our churches. The new building is great but it did take a lot of work, money and effort as we combined 2 smaller rooms into 1 larger room for our services. We are very happy to be done with that now and focus on soulwinning and spreading the message of the Bible!


Our new location and service times for our church in Pampanga:

2nd Floor, Frances Building, Lakandula Street,

Santo Rosario St, Angeles City, Pampanga

Saturday - 10:00 am; Saturday - 11:30 am; Tuesday - 6 pm;

Official Soulwinning Times - Saturday Afternoons; Tuesday at 4 pm;


Most of Angeles City is a nice place with no problems. However, Angeles City also has a very dark area which is what gives it the nickname “Sin City”. The US Military was stationed at the Clark Air Base nearby, until Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991. With Clark Air Base there, this led to Angeles being a tourist spot for all of the wrong reasons. There are many Americans, Australians, British and tourists from other rich     countries that have targeted Angeles for the purposes of prostitution. This is also a similar problem in parts of Metro Manila as well.


We are glad to be located in a very receptive area where we can get many saved and do great soulwinning. However, one mistake many Missionaries make though is that they don’t preach against the sins of their  area. I would love to not only see us get many saved in my lifetime here but also help get many churches started and be part of the solution to the sin problem.


Right now we are going through a series titled “False Philosophies”. There are actually quite a few sermons that could be preached in this series so we will probably take a break and come back to this series later. Since we just finished Romans, we will be going to 1st John soon. In addition to that, 1st Peter will be the new book we start on Tuesdays in Pampanga. The midweek service in Manila is going great since we moved! There are many men that take turns with the preaching and song leading and it is great experience as some could be future Pastors or help with future church plants that we are a part of.


We got our Livestream issues fixed on Facebook and YouTube so I encourage you to check out the services. 
Thank you for partnering with our ministry and please let us know if you need anything. Below are some pictures from our soulwinning and fellowship events that occurred in May. Included in this are the Ladies’ Tea Parties that we had in Manila and Pampanga and also the Building Maintenance in Pampanga.



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