Monthly Newsletter | 2021 February

Greetings from the Philippines! We appreciate your prayer and support and want to update you on the exciting events that occurred during the month of February at our churches in the Philippines.

In the month of February, we were able to get 885 salvations between our churches in Manila and Pampanga to bring our grand total to 1,500 salvations year to date. January was the greatest month we had ever had for salvations but then we broke all of those totals in February. Our results were very successful this month due to several different factors. February has official Holidays on February 12th and February  25th. We hosted 4 all day soulwinning marathons on February 12th, 2 all day soulwinning marathons on  February 25th and also had a soulwinning marathon on February 20th in Pampanga. In addition to that, each Saturday we have all day soulwinning at a nearby park to our church building which yields very positive results. We broke our record for weekly salvations with 288 and also achieved our 2nd and 3rd highest totals ever for a week with 265 and 190 in the month of February.

In addition to our increase in salvation totals, we have also had increases in attendance and # of soulwinners. We are now regularly sending more than 50 people in the community preaching the gospel each week and many of them are going out several times. It truly is a team effort here in the Philippines!

Although getting souls saved is our #1 mission, we do not believe that should be our only focus. We do see the pattern and importance in regards to church growth of having fellowship events. For those reasons, we had a basketball/volleyball/badminton fellowship event in January. Then in February, we had our 1st Annual Sweetheart Banquet along with a Singles Activity on the same night. In addition to that, our Choir performed on February 14th with the song “The Love of God” and we held our monthly prayer meetings after our    soulwinning times in January and February. All of these events have been a great source of fellowship and we look forward to having more of these events in 2021.

During February, we started livestreaming our services to YouTube and are currently working through slight technical difficulties. We are excited about this as there are people who listen to our sermons to be edified so we are trying to increase our quality. In addition to that, I have started a series of YouTube videos on common myths of various religions and denominations and will probably extend that to various other topics also. Also please listen to our “Fundamental Family Tips Series” which I just finished in February.

We do have a few items that we would ask for prayer about. With our church growth, our current church building in Pasig has become pretty full. God has really blessed us with a nice building that is an affordable price for us. Commercial real estate is pretty expensive in Metro Manila so we aren’t really looking to move until we have to. In addition to that, since most of our families do not have vehicles, a change in location could make it difficult for some to come to church. For now we are ok but we ask you to pray that God will lead us in the right direction in regards to that. In addition, we ask you to pray that the government will  loosen the restrictions as a result of Covid-19. Things have been slowly easing up for a while but there are still restrictions on children being in public and it has been a hinderance toward families being able to attend and also go out soulwinning together.

Our family here in the Philippines is doing great. Our son Zephaniah had his 3rd birthday in January and our daughter Christabelle just turned 1 in January also. We are hoping that we will be able to visit our families in the US later this year as well as our sending church in Sacramento. Of course that depends on various decisions that the government makes. We would ask you to pray for that also.

Thank you for partnering with our ministry and please let us know if you need anything. Below are some pictures from baptisms, soulwinning and fellowship events that occurred in February!



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